Saturday, November 20, 2004

Leader-Kinetics -- First Installment

(Copyright 2004 Jeff Fuson -- Feel Free to use this brief article as long as you include all links and include this information: Written by Jeff Fuson of the Rising Leader Alliance. Conact Jeff at or at 502-419-7568 Jeff's Weblog:

3 Things that YOU can DO right Now to unlock your leadership potential.
1. Ask Questions of the leaders all around you.
Listen more than you talk
Look people in the eyes
Shake their hands with confidence
Repeat and remember their names
2. Keep Your Word.
Do what you say you will do.
Let your 'yes' be yes and your 'no' be no.
3. Treat Others like you want to be treated.
Remember, everyone is my 'better' in that I may learn from him/her.
Never, ever,ever, never, ever make fun of others or speak negatively about them. Speak the truth gently if you must, but never behind their back.

These principles were modeled and taught beautifully by the greatest leader of all time-- Jesus, the Christ.

Have a great day,
Jeff Fuson

p.s. I had the privilege of sharing these basic leadership ideas with the Gifted and Talented program at Oldham County Middle School yesterday and rolled out a new program for them called 'Leader-Kinetics'. I custom designed the program with the high-energy, on your feet needs of Middle Schoolers in mind. (What I know is that nearly everyone prefers to be fully engaged in learning experiences rather than to be 'talked to' so this has a lot of potential for adult groups as well). If I can be of any help to you, your organization, or someone you know in the areas of personal development, leadership development, or Crafting the Future of Your Dreams then just let me know and I'll serve them well. Just drop an email to me at

p.s. If you are a 'rising leader' who's excited about advancing the Kingdom of God, then you'll want to grab some great FREE resources over at