Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I lost my voice!

While I was out of town for the weekend I couldn't access my Blog and I felt like I had lost my voice! It was crazy how much I 'NEEDED' to have a voice. Anyway, I got my voice back and I'm glad! I bet a lot of you feel the same way about your blog. Have you ever 'lost your voice'? What was it like for you?

p.s. If you are a 'rising leader' who's excited about advancing the Kingdom of God, then you'll want to grab some great FREE resources over at

Community, Rabbi, Movement, Journey

I was at an awesome conference with Youth Specialties in Anaheim (L.A.)California the past few days. What a great time I had.

A few words are buzzing in my head from the weekend that I'll be thinking about and blogging about over the next few weeks.

Here are the words I'm thinking about...
Community -- what's it really about to be a part of The Family of God. To love and be loved. To encourage and share?
Rabbi -- what's it mean to lead a community of seekers?
Movement -- what's it mean to be a part of advancing the movement that HE started?
Journey -- What's it like to be on a journey with other travellers?

I'm looking forward to how God will unravel the depths of these words for me.

Got any ideas about these words for me? I'd love to hear from you about these ideas.

Have a great day,

p.s. If you are a 'rising leader' who's excited about advancing the Kingdom of God, then you'll want to grab some great FREE resources over at